- It was recently brought to our attention that not all burn certs were displaying under “Downloads” at the order header level. Since burn certs are order line specific, we created a “Download” dropdown option on the details tab. This is where you can view burn certs for each line.
- Your documents are now available via the KYDEX Portal. Navigate to the appropriate tab and using the download option, you can view, download, and/or print documents related to that record. You have access to your Order Acknowledgments, Burn Certs, Bill of Ladings, Pack Slips, Commercial Invoices, and Invoices.
- The "Open Order Backlog" report is now available on the “Orders” tab. This report will display a listing of your open sales orders with order details and release information. The report can be filtered based on the time period selected on the "Orders" tab. This report can be viewed then printed or downloaded if needed.